Top 60 drinks that Start with the Letter K

When it comes to refreshing and delicious drinks, there are plenty of options to choose from. If you’re looking for a unique twist, why not explore the world of beverages that start with the letter K? From classic cocktails to soft drinks, here are the top 20 drinks that start with the letter K:

Drinks that start with k

Here are the top 60 drinks starting with K. Also explore drinks starting with J.

Alcoholic drinks that start with k

Alcoholic drinks That Start With k

Here are the top 20 Alcoholic beverages starting with K.

1. Kahlua

Kahlua is a well-known coffee liqueur from Mexico. It is made with rum, sugar, vanilla, and Arabica coffee. This versatile liqueur can be enjoyed on its own, in cocktails like the White Russian, or as a flavorful addition to desserts.

2. Kamikaze

Kamikaze is a potent cocktail made with equal parts vodka, triple sec, and lime juice. It’s typically served as a shot or on the rocks. The tartness of the lime juice balances out the strong flavors of the vodka and triple sec, making it a refreshing and zesty drink. It’s a favorite at parties and bars for its simplicity and bold taste.

3. Kentucky Mule

Kentucky Mule is a twist on the classic Moscow Mule, replacing vodka with bourbon whiskey. It’s made by mixing bourbon, ginger beer, and lime juice over ice in a copper mug. The spicy kick of ginger beer pairs perfectly with the rich, oaky flavor of bourbon, creating a refreshing and flavorful cocktail. It’s a great choice for whiskey lovers looking for a refreshing and easy-to-make drink.

4. Kir

Kir is a French cocktail made with crème de cassis (blackcurrant liqueur) and white wine. It’s named after Félix Kir, a mayor of Dijon who popularized the drink in the mid-20th century. To make a Kir, simply pour a small amount of crème de cassis into a glass and top it off with white wine. The result is a light and fruity cocktail with a hint of sweetness from the liqueur. It’s a sophisticated and elegant drink that’s perfect for sipping on a warm afternoon.

5. Kir Royale

Kir Royale is a variation of the classic Kir cocktail, but instead of white wine, it uses champagne or sparkling wine. It’s a luxurious and celebratory drink that’s perfect for special occasions. To make a Kir Royale, pour a small amount of crème de cassis into a champagne flute and top it off with chilled champagne or sparkling wine. The bubbles add a touch of elegance to the fruity flavors of the liqueur, creating a delightful and effervescent cocktail.

6. Kirsch

Kirsch, or kirschwasser, is a clear fruit brandy made from cherries. It originates from the Black Forest region of Germany and is commonly used in cocktails and culinary dishes. Kirsch has a strong aroma and flavor of cherries, with a slight almond undertone from the cherry pits. It’s often enjoyed as a digestif or used as a flavoring agent in desserts and savory dishes.

7. Knickerbocker

Knickerbocker is a classic cocktail that dates back to the 19th century. It’s made with rum, raspberry liqueur, orange curaçao, and lime juice. The ingredients are shaken together with ice and strained into a chilled glass. The Knickerbocker has a fruity and citrusy flavor, with a hint of sweetness from the raspberry liqueur and orange curaçao. It’s a refreshing and flavorful cocktail that’s perfect for sipping on a warm summer day.

8. Knockout Punch

Knockout Punch is a potent party punch that’s sure to pack a punch! It’s made with a combination of rum, vodka, gin, tequila, triple sec, and various fruit juices. The ingredients are mixed together in a large punch bowl or pitcher and served over ice. Knockout Punch is fruity, boozy, and dangerously easy to drink. It’s a favorite at parties and gatherings for its crowd-pleasing flavors and festive presentation.

9. Kombucha Cocktail

Kombucha Cocktail is a refreshing and health-conscious cocktail made with kombucha, a fermented tea beverage. It’s a popular choice for those looking for a lighter and more natural alternative to traditional cocktails. To make a Kombucha Cocktail, simply mix kombucha with your choice of spirit, such as vodka or gin, and add fresh fruit or herbs for flavor. The result is a tangy and effervescent drink that’s as delicious as it is revitalizing.

10. Kool-Aid Martini

Kool-Aid Martini is a playful and nostalgic cocktail inspired by the classic powdered drink mix. It’s made by combining vodka, triple sec, and lemon-lime soda with a packet of Kool-Aid powder. The result is a colorful and fruity martini that’s sure to bring back memories of childhood. Kool-Aid Martini is a fun and whimsical drink that’s perfect for parties and gatherings with friends.

11. Kir Breton

Kir Breton is a variation of the classic Kir cocktail that uses cider instead of white wine. It originates from the Brittany region of France, where cider is a popular beverage. To make a Kir Breton, pour a small amount of crème de cassis into a glass and top it off with chilled cider. The result is a light and refreshing cocktail with a hint of sweetness from the blackcurrant liqueur. It’s a perfect choice for cider lovers looking for a unique and flavorful drink.

12. Kavos

Kavos is a traditional Greek coffee liqueur made from distilled spirits, sugar, and coffee beans. It has a rich and robust flavor, with notes of caramel, chocolate, and roasted coffee. Kavos is often enjoyed as a digestif or used as a flavoring agent in desserts and cocktails. It’s a versatile and delicious liqueur that’s perfect for adding a touch of Greek flair to your drinks.

13. Kiwi Margarita

Kiwi Margarita is a fruity and refreshing twist on the classic margarita cocktail. It’s made with tequila, triple sec, lime juice, and fresh kiwi puree. The sweet and tangy flavor of the kiwi pairs perfectly with the tartness of the lime juice and the kick of the tequila. Kiwi Margarita is a vibrant and flavorful drink that’s perfect for sipping on a hot summer day or enjoying happy hour with friends.

14. Kummel

Kummel is a traditional liqueur from the Baltic region made with caraway seeds, cumin, and fennel. Featuring notes of spice, herbs, and citrus, it has a unique and complex flavor profile. Kummel is often enjoyed as a digestif or used as a flavoring agent in cocktails. It’s a versatile and intriguing liqueur that adds depth and character to any drink it’s mixed with.

15. Kahlua Sour

Kahlua Sour is a simple yet satisfying cocktail made with Kahlua liqueur, lemon juice, and simple syrup. It’s a variation of the classic whiskey sour, but with the rich and sweet flavors of Kahlua instead of whiskey. The tartness of the lemon juice balances out the sweetness of the liqueur, creating a refreshing and tangy drink. Kahlua Sour is easy to make and perfect for enjoying on a warm summer evening.

16. Kentucky Colonel

Kentucky Colonel is a classic cocktail made with bourbon whiskey, mint, and sugar. It’s a variation of the mint julep but with a few key differences. To make a Kentucky Colonel, muddle fresh mint leaves with sugar in a glass, then add bourbon and crushed ice. The result is a refreshing and aromatic cocktail with a hint of sweetness from the sugar and a kick of heat from the bourbon. Kentucky Colonel is a timeless and elegant drink that’s perfect for sipping on a sunny afternoon.

17. Kumquat Mojito

Kumquat Mojito is a flavorful and refreshing twist on the classic Mojito cocktail. It’s made with rum, fresh kumquats, mint leaves, lime juice, and simple syrup. The sweet and tangy flavor of the kumquats pairs perfectly with the cool mint and tart lime, creating a vibrant and zesty drink. Kumquat Mojito is a delightful choice for summer gatherings or relaxing evenings on the patio.

18. Kahlua White Russian

Kahlua White Russian is a creamy and indulgent cocktail made with Kahlua liqueur, vodka, and cream. It’s a variation of the classic White Russian cocktail but with the addition of rich and sweet Kahlua. To make a Kahlua White Russian, simply mix Kahlua and vodka in a glass filled with ice, then top it off with cream. The result is a decadent and smooth cocktail that’s perfect for dessert or as a nightcap.

19. Kinky Blue Lagoon

Kinky Blue Lagoon is a playful and colorful cocktail made with Kinky Blue liqueur, vodka, and lemon-lime soda. It’s a fun and fruity drink that’s perfect for parties and gatherings with friends. To make a Kinky Blue Lagoon, simply mix Kinky Blue liqueur and vodka in a glass filled with ice, then top it off with lemon-lime soda. The result is a refreshing and vibrant cocktail that’s sure to be a hit with your guests.

20. Kaffir Lime Mojito

Kaffir Lime Mojito is a tropical twist on the classic Mojito cocktail. It’s made with rum, fresh kaffir lime leaves, mint leaves, lime juice, and simple syrup. The fragrant and citrusy flavor of the kaffir lime leaves adds a unique and exotic twist to the traditional mojito, making it a refreshing and flavorful drink. Kaffir Lime Mojito is perfect for sipping on a hot summer day or enjoying at a beachside bar.

Also explore Drinks start with I

Non-alcoholic drinks that start with k

Non-alcoholic drinks that start with k

21. Kombucha: 

Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented tea drink that’s packed with probiotics. It comes in various flavors like ginger, berry, or citrus, offering a refreshing and slightly tangy taste.

22. Kefir: 

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that’s similar to yogurt but thinner in consistency. It’s rich in probiotics and nutrients, making it beneficial for gut health.

23. Karkade: 

Karkade, also known as hibiscus tea, is made from dried hibiscus flowers steeped in hot water. It has a deep red color and a tangy flavor, often sweetened with sugar or honey.

24. Kvass: 

Kvass is a traditional Slavic drink made from fermented rye bread. It has a slightly sour taste and is often flavored with fruits or herbs, offering a unique and refreshing beverage option.

25. Kola Nut Tea: 

Kola nut tea is brewed from the seeds of the kola nut tree. It has a mild caffeine content and a slightly bitter taste, reminiscent of coffee. It’s often enjoyed for its energizing properties.

26. Kukicha Tea: 

Kukicha tea, also known as twig tea or mocha, is a Japanese green tea made from twigs and stems of the tea plant. It has a light, slightly sweet flavor with a nutty undertone, making it a soothing and healthy beverage choice.

27. Kamote Tops Juice: 

Kamote top juice is a refreshing drink made from the leaves of the sweet potato plant. It’s rich in vitamins and minerals, offering a slightly earthy flavor with hints of sweetness.

28. Kunu Drink: 

Kunu drink is a traditional Nigerian beverage made from fermented grains like millet or sorghum. It’s often flavored with spices like ginger or cloves, providing a unique and culturally rich drinking experience.

29. Kaffree Roma: 

Kaffree Roma is a coffee alternative made from roasted barley, chicory, and rye. It has a bold flavor similar to coffee but is caffeine-free, making it suitable for those looking to reduce their caffeine intake.

30. Kombucha Cooler: 

A Kombucha cooler is a refreshing mocktail made by mixing kombucha with fruit juices like pineapple, mango, or strawberry. It’s a vibrant and flavorful drink option that’s perfect for any occasion.

31. Kiwi Lemonade: 

Kiwi lemonade is a tangy and sweet beverage made by blending fresh kiwi fruit with lemon juice and sweetener. It’s a colorful and refreshing drink that’s perfect for hot summer days.

32. Keto Chai Latte: 

Keto chai latte is a low-carb version of the traditional chai latte, made with unsweetened almond milk, chai spices, and a sugar substitute like stevia or erythritol. It’s a creamy and comforting drink option for those following a ketogenic diet.

33. Kale Smoothie: 

A Kale smoothie is a nutritious drink made by blending fresh kale leaves with fruits like banana, pineapple, and apple juice. It’s packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, making it a healthy and energizing beverage choice.

34. Kumquat Spritzer: 

Kumquat spritzer is a sparkling drink made by muddling fresh kumquats with sugar and then mixing it with soda water and ice. It’s a delightful and citrusy beverage option that’s perfect for parties or gatherings.

35. Kiwano Cooler: 

Kiwano cooler is a refreshing drink made from the pulp of the kiwano fruit, also known as horned melon, mixed with lemonade or limeade. It has a unique flavor profile with hints of cucumber and banana, offering a tropical and exotic drinking experience.

36. Kharek Drink: 

Kharek drink is a popular Middle Eastern beverage made from dried dates soaked in water and blended into a smooth, creamy drink. It’s naturally sweet and rich in fiber, making it a nutritious and satisfying choice.

37. Karak Chai: 

Karak chai is a spiced tea popular in the Middle East, made by boiling black tea with milk, sugar, and a blend of spices like cardamom, cinnamon, and cloves. It has a bold and aromatic flavor, perfect for warming up on chilly days.

38. Kid-Friendly Punch: 

Kid-friendly punch is a fun and colorful drink made by mixing fruit juices like orange, pineapple, and cranberry with soda water or lemon-lime soda. It’s a sweet and fizzy beverage option that’s sure to be a hit with children and adults alike.

39. Kombucha Mocktail: 

Kombucha mocktail is a non-alcoholic version of the classic cocktail, made by combining kombucha with fresh fruit purees, herbs, and sparkling water. It’s a flavorful and festive drink option that’s perfect for parties and celebrations.

40. Key Lime Smoothie: 

Key lime smoothie is a creamy and tart beverage made by blending key lime juice with yogurt, banana, and honey. It’s a refreshing and nutritious drink choice that’s reminiscent of the classic key lime pie flavor.

Soft drinks that start with k

soft drinks starting with k

41. Kombucha:

Kombucha is a fizzy, fermented tea that’s gained popularity for its tangy flavor and potential health benefits. It’s made by fermenting sweetened tea with a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY), resulting in a slightly acidic, effervescent drink. Many enjoy kombucha for its probiotic properties and unique taste profile.

42. Kola Champagne:

Kola Champagne is a carbonated soft drink that originated in the Caribbean. It features a distinct flavor reminiscent of cola with a hint of citrus. Its bubbly nature and refreshing taste make it a favorite among those seeking a tropical twist on traditional cola drinks.

43. Kuat:

Kuat is a Brazilian soft drink produced by Coca-Cola. It’s known for its bold, fruity flavor, often described as a mix of guarana and citrus. Kuat offers a refreshing alternative to traditional cola beverages and has gained popularity in South America and beyond.

44. Kinnie:

Kinnie is a popular soft drink from Malta, known for its bitter-sweet flavor profile. It’s made from bitter oranges, aromatic herbs, and spices, giving it a unique taste that’s both refreshing and complex. Kinnie is often enjoyed on its own or as a mixer in cocktails.

45. Kola Inglesa:

Kola Inglesa is a Colombian soft drink with a history dating back to the early 20th century. It features a distinctive cola flavor with a hint of vanilla, setting it apart from other cola beverages. Kola Inglesa is cherished for its nostalgic taste and widespread availability in Colombia.

46. Kas:

Kas is a popular soft drink in India, known for its fruity flavors and vibrant colors. It comes in various flavors such as orange, lemon, and mango, offering a refreshing beverage option for consumers of all ages. Kas is cherished for its affordability and wide availability across the country.

47. Kickapoo Joy Juice:

Kickapoo Joy Juice is a citrus-flavored soft drink that originated in the United States. Named after a fictional beverage in the comic strip “Li’l Abner,” Kickapoo Joy Juice boasts a zesty, refreshing taste that’s perfect for quenching thirst on a hot day.

48. Krushka & Bochka:

Krushka & Bochka is a Russian soft drink brand known for its diverse range of flavors and quirky marketing campaigns. From classic cola to exotic fruit blends, Krushka & Bochka offers something for every taste preference, making it a beloved choice among Russian consumers.

49. Kolita:

Kolita is a popular soft drink in Cuba, known for its sweet and fruity flavor profile. Made from a blend of tropical fruits, including pineapple and mango, Kolita delivers a refreshing burst of flavor with every sip. It’s a staple beverage in Cuban culture and enjoyed by locals and tourists alike.

50. Krambambula:

Krambambula is a traditional Lithuanian soft drink made from honey, water, and various spices. It’s known for its rich, complex flavor and is often enjoyed during celebrations and festive gatherings. Krambambula offers a taste of Lithuania’s culinary heritage and is cherished by locals.

51. Kofola:

Kofola is a Czechoslovakian soft drink that gained popularity during the communist era as an alternative to American cola brands. It features a unique blend of herbs and spices, giving it a distinct flavor that’s both familiar and refreshing. Kofola remains a beloved beverage in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

52. Korona:

Korona is a Polish soft drink brand known for its wide range of flavors and affordable prices. From classic cola to innovative fruit blends, Korona offers something for every palate. It’s a favorite choice among Polish consumers looking for a refreshing beverage option.

53. Krushka:

Krushka is a Ukrainian soft drink brand that has been quenching thirsts for generations. With flavors ranging from traditional cola to exotic fruits, Krushka caters to diverse taste preferences. Its refreshing taste and affordability make it a popular choice across Ukraine.

54. Kilju:

Kilju is a homemade Korean rice wine that’s sometimes carbonated, giving it a slightly fizzy texture. While not a traditional soft drink, Kilju is enjoyed for its light, sweet taste and low alcohol content. It’s often consumed during social gatherings and celebrations in Korea.

55. Kool-Aid:

Kool-Aid is a powdered soft drink mix that’s been a staple in American households for decades. Available in a variety of fruity flavors, Kool-Aid is easy to prepare by mixing the powder with water and sugar. It’s cherished for its affordability and versatility, making it a favorite among children and adults alike.

56. Kwenchy Kups:

Kwenchy Kups is a line of fruit-flavored soft drinks popular in the United Kingdom. With flavors like strawberry, apple, and orange, Kwenchy Kups offer a burst of fruity goodness in every sip. They’re a favorite choice for quenching thirst on a hot summer day.

57. Krush:

Krush is a soft drink brand from Zimbabwe known for its bold flavors and vibrant packaging. From traditional cola to tropical fruit blends, Krush offers a wide range of options for consumers seeking a refreshing beverage. It’s a popular choice across Zimbabwe and neighboring countries.

58. Korica:

Korica is a soft drink brand from Croatia, known for its diverse range of flavors and high-quality ingredients. Whether you prefer classic cola or exotic fruit blends, Korica has something for everyone. It’s a beloved choice among Croatian consumers looking for a refreshing beverage option.

59. Krushem:

Krushem is a line of creamy soft drinks available in the United Kingdom. With flavors like chocolate, caramel, and strawberry, Krushem offers a decadent treat for those with a sweet tooth. It’s a popular choice for indulging in a creamy, refreshing beverage.

60. Kinnie Zest:

Kinnie Zest is a variation of the popular Maltese soft drink Kinnie, known for its bitter-sweet flavor profile. With the addition of citrus zest, Kinnie Zest offers a refreshing twist on the classic recipe. It’s a favorite among fans of the original Kinnie looking for a new and exciting flavor experience.


These are just a few of the many delicious drinks that start with the letter K. Whether you’re in the mood for a classic cocktail or a unique and soft drink, there’s a K drink out there for everyone. Cheers!

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